Full Version: All that time Gonzo's spent over there...
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The Sleeper Wrote:you meant it in a simplistic "I'll make a joke with the word toilet in it and hope sleeper won't question its horrible inaccuracy" way. You fail!
yeah, that was it. damn! bastard!
mass poster
thats right, i said it.
That is not very nice arpi :35:
I'll box his ears!
he forced my hand
i feel like my childhood was just taken from me.
Maybe he's just getting on everyone's good side initially so when he turns on them, and speaks the truth, they'll be too drunk with love for him to remember to throw him in the cell every couple weeks.
Wow, you're a girl.
that was insensitive and if you don't publically apologize I will act like an infant.
Yes, you did that already.
you can go back now. the last 2 weeks were erased. no one will remember what happened anyway.
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