Full Version: Devious!
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Pages: 1 2 3
not you, douche bag. jack
Ass hat!
jack has been very sloppy lately!
eat my ass with a spoon, dick wad!!
negative nellie!!
Dopey Dan!
stupid mcstupid!
Boobs Malone!
double stupid mcstupid head!
Just quit already. I won this round.
ok, i am exhausted anyway. i need brownies
I need constant attention.

Don't go. Don't you dare!
stop bothering me or my autistic brother will beat you to death with his neck fat!
I am Danked's autistic brother's neck fat.
oh, now i feel sad. kid needs some attention. everybody pay attention to kid.
Now, I'm confuzzled.
our devious plan is now complete
this is wacky
Do you actually believe that you are a part of any conspiracy?
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