Full Version: Since I love arpi so much...
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only if you're on stage or a male model. otherwise, its pretty creepy.
I've never owned a pair of leather pants.
Nice Leather pants.


What's something like that run?


Six hundred and fifty dollars?


They're pants?


You wear them?


They don't, like, have a TV in them or something?


I am very old.
yes, i do collect pez.i have over 300 of them. i loved them when i was a kid, thats why i collect them.
yes, i have leather pants. 1 pair , black, that i wear maybe once a year. no one here has ever seen me in them so i dont understand the fascination.
as for theater, it seemed like the perfect job. lots of dough,mostly 3 hour days, world travel, and during my rock touring days, lots of girls and free drugs.
i never thought i would see the day where you are like this. thin-skinned and unable to laugh at yourself.
arpi was a roadie!!! muhahahahahahahaaaaaaa
The Faggot of the Opera
Keyser Soze Wrote:arpi was a roadie!!! muhahahahahahahaaaaaaa
so was momo
seriously, the whole ordeal was an embarassment.
we should just start calling gonzo and arpi mike and mad dog
someone photoshop that for us.
I get to be mad dog, I do the voice to a T.
I am so sorry.
It's like superman 3 in the city dump scene.
You all missed his genius.
Step away from the gimmick!
I'll miss him, I woulda fed him applesauce next to arpi.

one got the plane, the other gets the train.
Go back to your splaz show.
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