Full Version: I was wondering about arpi's sig pic
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It's too cold to hang at the shore, so you ain't goin nowhere yet.
GonzoStyle Wrote:It's the one shining moment he has to cling to, let him have it.

so, morgie buddy, did she?
wow! you are being awfully petty these days. i guess you have decided to transfer your anger at having botched the starchild thing onto me. thats ok, you go rright ahead, i am here for you big guy.
you sure are crabby old pal, fine I won't mention it no more.
right back at ya, ol' buddy.
i feel like im watching two great heavyweights in the twilight of their lives poke each other with their canes.
don't you have a WHACK comment to make, sparky?
thats WBK's cross to bear, not mine.
I dunno why everything has to be based on someone being angry or petty, or whatever.

I was sincerly curious, suzie said numerous times that blockbuster is an evil corporation. So I wondered if during your romance you two snuggled up and made that.

But I apologize for opening up old wounds, I shant mention it again.
there was no romance, starchild. merely a projection of your inner fantasies.
You want a hug?

come on, come here pally.
Quote:10 letters huh?
Maybe he meant 10 unique letters...
duhhhh, it's tough when people just don't think on my level.
i demand an apology for your mean words about suzie. also an apology from arpi for the mean things he said about her in the say the meanest thing about the person above you thread or i am leaving at once and never coming back again maybe!
suck your apology out of my cock.
spoon your apology out of my ass
Can I say that I'm sorry?
you people are scum!
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