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I quit the board.
what's a good pharmaceutical company i can e-mail with this idea? I'm serious, i really wanna know if it can be done.
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What our children drink or eat can change the color of their urine. Some illnesses can make the urine pink or red.


Food Color
Drugs (Amitryptyline hydrochloride, Methocarbamol)
Pseudomonas infection
Others (Phenol, Resorcinol, Tetrahydronapthalene, Metheylene blue)
You're deluding yourself sleeper.
It's clear again, all is well.
You peed again that fast?

You have a peanut bladder.
I drink about 20 glasses of water a day.

I peed atleast 5 times since then.
have you been taking any kind of vitamin supplements because they can make your pee yellow, also, excess iron will make it that lovely army green color. 2 hours is pretty regular for me. but then i do have a peanut bladder.

and sleeper, i met this chick who was an attorney for the gov't invention people, i have her card around here somewhere. don't ever call any of those people who advertise on tv.
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