Full Version: A 5 lb. bag of gummi bears
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I think.
I take it for my heart burn, you ingrate!
5 pounds of white castle!!
My heart doesn't burn, it combusts.
i bought a pound of gummy bears a long time ago when i stopped at wawa by great adventure. i left them in the car while i was at the park & they all melted into one giatn gummy ball. it was so nasty.
Then you stuffed your bra with it...
i looked like this in 8th grade. there was never a need to stuff.
I'm so glad I brought you to us.
I can lose weight. Is there a diet to lose jew?
Hitler came up with a good one.
you act as if being a jew is bad, being a hassidic is bad.

Like being black is ok but being a nigger is not.
ya, most jews are pretty cool.
IrishAlkey Wrote:Hitler came up with a good one.
I had to point out, how simple yet genius this line was.
5lbs of combos!
I had a dream that involved combo's last night.
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