Full Version: Ron White
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Arpikarhu Wrote:throwing people in the cell is all he knows. anybody who disagrees with him or steps on his fun.
I make that part of my daily routine, I have yet to see virtual incarceration.
Quote:throwing people in the cell is all he knows. anybody who disagrees with him or steps on his fun.

You really are acting like the elderly.

They repeat themselves constantly, just like you.

Poor grandpa... =(
ah more old jokes. i bet you and gooch sit around thinking those up all day. take it to YMB where the moosens of the world might find you interesting.
If I may be so bold as to suggest an addition to Arpis status, "Official CDIH Welcome Wagon", hes made it so easy for me to participate.
Art sounds like fart!
You leave tic-tac alone!!
HedCold Wrote:never heard of him
If you get a chance, buy or rent The Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Its fucking HYSTERICAL!!!
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