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GonzoStyle Wrote:I don't have any mentos but I got some certs, certs are much cuter than tic tacs anyway.
not only are you gay but you now reveal yourself to be a communist!
Communist? Get with the times McCarthy.
a faggot commie. unbelievable. who would have guessed?
Get him!

He's a witch!
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IrishAlkey Wrote:Get him!

He's a witch!
you are a physical defective, you would be the first person put in the camp. bad for the gene pool.
I'm convinced you don't own a mirror.
it trully is a no-brainer if it was a choice between being arpi or alkey
i own a mirror and all of my parts are symmetrical as opposed to the sattelite dish on the side of your head.
Seriously, just stop.
I just saw the ball go through Buckner's legs!

I can't believe it!
I bet donotkidme thought she had symmetrical boobs.
i dont know who that is. your reference is useless against me!!!
It seems that reality is also useless against you.
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