Full Version: I did a search for Faces of Death
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close, but it's just not the same.
beggers can't be choosers.
I'm not begging!!!
GonzoStyle Wrote:It didn't because the worst part was the fact all of them spit it out of their mouths.

Not only did they murder that poor little monkey, they didnt even eat the brains.

While they were beating it to death upon the head, the monkey was screeching and crying and spinning around uncontrolably.

I am in tears right now.
that is so wrong.

that is way worse than the video of the german guy who fucked a chicken. the chicked is screaming the entire time.

when he's done with it they zoom in on the poor violated bloody orifice. & the chicken is comepletely freaked out, crying, just trying to get away.
gonzo, ive seen that too. it made me so angry i wanted to bash those yuppies skulls in.
That one blonde chick was such a fuckin valley girl. she was giggling as she was beating the monkey to death and saying "like, oh my gawd!!", fuckin retard.
Yeah, so I saw the Faces of Death- Horse Cums on 2 Women. It's not that scary. In fact, it is quite erotic.
I hate the fact that some of these beastiality films have really hot chicks fuckin and sucking off animals... I'm an animal too dammit!!!
that's a real ego boost, isn't it?
I have the first 3 on vhs. Never heard of the horse one though. And the little monkey squeeling while they crack it's head open with a hammer is some sick shit. But it's a great watch.

I've always liked the one with the high school students bungee jump off the roof of the school on graduation. they measured the height from the top of the building to the ground, only problem was that didnt give enough for the bungee to spring back. the kid jumps and slaps face first in the sidewalk. great stuff.
the best stuff is when guys piss in girls mouths.
I miss the Bud tape where the guy blows his head off in front of all the press....
You can still find it, I seen it hundreds of times on kazaa.
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