Full Version: Butterfly Effect
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Pages: 1 2
Is better than you think.

Some of the dialogue is pretty cheesy, and we all know that Kutcher can't act, but I was expecting like a 4, and I'd give it a solid 7.5
I thought it was a good film. I was pleasantly surprised. At one point I was like when will they get to the point then bam it happened.
There were definitely some twists where I was honestly surprised
Is it better than Just Married?
didn't see it.
Good don't bother
why is "Star-Child" co forum leader with Arpi and myself? Were you trying to sneak that in?
Oh, sorry.

I was using him to test the group, to make sure all the forums were visible as I was tweaking it.

he's not a forum mod, I just gave you two your own member group.
that member group is seriously devoid of any benefit or power.
I want to see this movie.

Considering I've never been to the movies with Alkey, I suppose I'll have to wait for it to come out on DVD.
well you know he's on call.

Alkey the ATM MD.
Who hell wants to see a movie with a bunch of bullet holes in the screen and people who never shut the fuck up anyway?
wow, even eric takes me to the movies once in a while
Mine doesn't like going anywhere either. I love the movies though.
I will take you guys to the movies... not you trish
Can it be a scary movie?
he's got something for you to hold on to
so many jokes....
Abuse, abuse.
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