Full Version: What the FUCK????
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the question should be, but is there not a special reason?
The question should be, can you answer my question!!
yes, i can.
please what? i forgot what we were talking about.

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1076463190
the question should be: do I hate you?

the answer would be: yes!!
I think the question was, do you think that that MAD = OAS
GonzoStyle Wrote:the question should be: do I hate you?

the answer would be: yes!!
see? you answered your own question. next time think for yourself before hassling me.
hate you, alot!!!

I hate you. Hard.
Galt Wrote:I think the question was, do you think that that MAD = OAS
Impossible, I've never been in the Military and I don't go around to different message boards looking to score with chicks half my age.
GonzoStyle Wrote:hate you, alot!!!
dont be mad with cause the answer was in your head all along. you should be apologizing for involving me in the first place
fuck you and your reverse psychology!!
yes , fuck me and your reverse psychology.
Do you wanna shoot me now or wait till we get home?
i own a mansion und a yacht
Und a yacht?

That made me giggle.
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