Full Version: i am not fighting anymore
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... ok, where's the candid camera at?
on the inside he is still seething like the product of date-rape that he is.
ofcourse, he is the silly arpi now though who will try to prove his point by posting emoticons and LMAOGHFFF!!! But ofcourse he'll take it to the extreme and it will become his gimmick to bleed dry for the next several months.
nope. not gonna happen. aint a gimmick
I will make the best of it and still be your pal even through the dark road ahead.
look out for arpi's locomotive. choooooooooo choooooooo.
watch the hilarity ensue as we see arpi get increasingly annoyed with every post he sees from idiot YMB'ers, like this one.
chugga chugga chugga chugga WOO WOOO! chugga chugga chugga chugga
i do like the idea of the golden age forum being for arpi and his grumpy old fart posters though.
we could talk about the easiest foods to gum and where to get the best early bird specials!
how wonderful is the french toast at dennys !?!?
wonderful! and the counter woman gladys, if i were 50 years younger, watch out!
ain't nobody gonna slow me down, oh no, i got to keep on moving!!
.....and now that you have the top secret receipe
drusilla Wrote:how wonderful is the french toast at dennys !?!?
Wait a sec...

you can actually get food in there???

I don't believe you.
niggers cant!
Keyser Soze Wrote:niggers cant!
<marquee direction=up><font size=20>HIIII-YO!!11</marquee>

<img src=>
johnny carson was big on the nigger jokes
A job.

A clean record.

High test scores.

*blows into envelope*

What are three things niggers don't have.
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