Full Version: I took 6 months of culinary schooling.
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you gotta boil the water here in ny anyway. god knows what kinda bacteria it has.
Using salt solo also helps it peal. Using vinegar might pickle you eggs if you use to much.
now im hungry for a bacon egg and cheese.
diceisgod Wrote:Using salt solo also helps it peal. Using vinegar might pickle you eggs if you use to much.
i think also if you run it under cold water after you boil it it is easier to peal
if the egg spins in a circle it's done.
That deli sure knows how to boil one yummy egg!
boiled eggs could be the most vile tasting thing known to man, and they smell horrible as well.
It didn't smell like anything really and I only eat one egg, once a week cause I have to.
just suck it down raw like rocky!
It says specifically it has to be boiled.

Now when it just says "egg" on wednesday I suck it down raw in the morning.
You're still no Chef Greeky
eric is a chef, men are the best chefs in the world anywhere you go.

but she's actually a manager now, she dropped the chef deal.
GonzoStyle Wrote:where is silera or eric when I need them!!!
she's so good at that. she helped me make meatballs once. they were so yummy.
I heard danielle makes better eggs tho.
you'll have to ask her. i don't eat eggs.
I bet eggs dipped in cheddar cheese would be amazing.

or just take the yolk out and replace it with cheese, mmmmmm.
I know what I am doin tommorow for lunch!
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