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Arpikarhu Wrote:he means me. i am woman like. its true.
I know what he meant, i just added my own view on his point.
i was talking about your post incase anybody didnt know who you meant
You're a faggot and a liar!

its true.i am.
This schtick is lame, really lame.

Just admit you were wrong about the 9 points or show us how galt is wrong. But dont say you did admit you lied with this stupid little gimmick which you are beating to death really fast even by your standards.
ITS NOT A GIMMICK!!!!! I am a liar, i lied about everything.!!! not just the stock, everything, the money, the job. all of it!!!!!!!
Trully pathetic, seriously.

You really should either prove him wrong, admit you lied but as I said not with this lame gimmick, or leave the board.

These are your options.
give me mod power for 10 seconds so I can be the one to throw him in the cell.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Trully pathetic, seriously.

You really should either prove him wrong, admit you lied but as I said not with this lame gimmick, or leave the board.

These are your options.
i cant say its not a gimmick enough times. yes, i lied. i lied about the stock, the job, the money, everything. christ!
It will take me more than 10 seconds to explain how to open the cells let alone throw him in it.
I figured it out!
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>GALT CAUGHT ME! I LIED!! I LIED ABOUT THE STOCK AND THE JOB, AND THE MONEY!! I AM A LIAR!!!</span>
you'll surely defend your crown for the 2004 awards.
I never said you lied about the job. Why would anyone lie about having your job. I'm also sure you make more money that most people on the board. You should. You're at least 10 years older than most everyone here.

Quit trying to deflect the focus away from your pitifulosity
i am just trying to come clean about everything. i dont make alot of money. i am unemployed. do you people have a reading disorder? how many times do i have to repeat all of this?
i lied about the stock
i lied about having money
i lied about my job
all of it lies
GonzoStyle Wrote:you'll surely defend your crown for the 2004 awards.
i deserve no less.
you shoulda lied about your damn age!
i did! i am really 48, not 38! sorry
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