Full Version: Bad habbits - Do you people have any??
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well, i've got the usual smoking, drinking too much, swearing like a sailor. i also procrastinate, i'm always late, i never throw anything away, ever. oh, and i still suck my finger, have all my life, now i do it without even realizing i'm doing it.

oh, and the volume always has to be at a 5 or 0 for me :bouncer:
i always have to play with my lips, or have something in my mouth, oral fixation i guess. and i am a neat freak, but are those really bad habits? :confused:
Quote:..oral fixation..

How could that be considered bad, coming from you? :loveya:
Quote:How could that be considered bad, coming from you?

Silera Wrote:I smoke cigarettes and masturbate excessively.
the smokes are a bad habit.

as far as the diddling yourself goes..... can we watch?
ok, i used to smoke.

i quit that.

i used to chew tobacco.

i quit that.

i guess right now my worst habit is just being a fucking slob.
I light Fires.
1 more bad habit.

even though it has already been mentioned several times by various members of this board.........

i am constantly cursing.
-bite fingernails
-crack knuckles until they hurt
-i dont know if this is a habit, but i drive with extreme road rage. i put myself in harms way just to pass some one or get somewhere quicker.
HyBriD Wrote:-i dont know if this is a habit, but i drive with extreme road rage. i put myself in harms way just to pass some one or get somewhere quicker.
oh yeah, me too.

it gets worse when you have really heavy, aggressive, and angry tunes cranking through the stereo.

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 20 2002 at 8:14
i smoke 2 packs a day
i smoke pot
i drink like a fish
i curse a lot
i go out almost every night and blow my money at bars

Edited By Banana_juice on Mar. 20 2002 at 9:27
I procrastinate.

I'm self abusive.

I chew food for the taste and then spit it out to avoid the calories.
Quote:I chew food for the taste and then spit it out to avoid the calories.
You must be really fun on a dinner date. :lol:
Arthur Dent Wrote:You must be really fun on a dinner date. :lol:
Eeek! I wouldn't do that in public! :lol: But like when I want a brownie...I will bite off a piece...chew it savor the taste and then :drool: out it goes. I get to taste what I wanted without gaining any weight. My friends say its the first sign of an eating disorder, but whatever.

Another bad habit I have is that I have an awful temper when dealing with strangers. I've threatened to kill people one too many times.
Im adding drinking too much. :drool:
Quote:I chew food for the taste and then spit it out to avoid the calories.
Dude, that's just fucked up. Yes, that IS an eating disorder. Not the first sign. It IS one.

And yeah Becky, you do. :p
You loooove your red bull.
Quote:And yeah Becky, you do. :p
PFFFT I didnt ask you :moonie:
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