Full Version: The Passion Of The Christ
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jesus was just one of the hundreds of insane prophets running around at the time. as for the movie being historically accurate, bullshit! the only place that jesus shows up is in the bible and that thing aint even close to being accurate, it was written 400 years after the events in question.
You're like the smarty negro in barbershop.

Obviously it can not be word for word or event for event. I meant accurate as in not pulling and punches as in past films depicting Christ, in fear of angering the church.

You are not the only one here with an education.
so making it graphic makes it accurate? ok, i see how it works. right.
Yes thats exactly what I meant.
thanks for clarifying
Anytime buddy :thumbs-up:
GonzoStyle Wrote:I am going to see it with alkey and arelis, laz will be my date!! weeeeeee!!!!
spurn my offer? see if it comes again lunchbox.
You can come but since I am the one with the car you are doin the sucking.
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