Full Version: I am of the opinion
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That certain people are abusing the "hosting" forum by uploading non-signature or avatar files.

Therefore they are exploiting Gonzo's kindness, taking excess bandwidth, and essentially stealing money right out of his pocket.

And two of the biggest culprits have even been given positions of authority here.

I find that insulting and dangerous.
abusing the hosting privledges makes baby sleeper cry
I'm talking about you!
nobody likes a tattle tale
check the sig hosting thread yourself, and you will see some of the pictures that have been uploaded and you will realize that they are not signature files.

This is really really shameful.
if you look through the thread you see i rarely do it, so :21:
That's like saying that I rarely molest children. It's still a god-damned crime.


This is now the second time that Laz has had difficulty understanding the most simple of comments.
you should be beaten for being an annoying busybody. kill yourself.
I had some run-ins with punks like you when I was hall monitor. You flout whichever rules you feel don't apply and then get mad at people when you are called on it. Well, rules are rules. You have to abide by all of them; not just the ones you agree with.
Galt Wrote:I had some run-ins with punks like you when I was hall monitor. You flout whichever rules you feel don't apply and then get mad at people when you are called on it. Well, rules are rules. You have to abide by all of them; not just the ones you agree with.
OK, Bobby Brady Safety Monitor.
now you are just trying to hard to be funny and wacky. success has gone to your head.

"I was Mister Grumpy Gills and I fooled you all!!!!!"
Arpikarhu, Spring '04
this is priceless thanks for the laugh but i am laughing at you.
Stick with stocks that is your forte.

1.maybe they asked to use the space
2.who are you to question anyone else
3.I understood the statement i just have a hard time understanding why you care.

You know nothing of bandwidth , so why make a statement on it.

they have this:

Please be courteous and remember that hotlinking these photos outside of this site is not allowed. Your upload will be edited if it is found to be hotlinked.

That statment should be enough... fucking busybody
lets all laugh at the hall monitor.
sure him too. why not
Boy, Laz sure got me.

I still maintain my religious opposition to people exploiting the hosting lienencies.
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