Full Version: Stacy keibler's getting the boob job. - Does dr. james andrews do those too?
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Wondering why the table spot on Raw was done?

Well, after Stacy's comments on the Divas special about wanting implants, I'm guessing that Stacy's getting the time off to get a little work done and return after the split.

It makes sense...
this is a sad, sad day. she is perfect already. she doesnt need implants.
You are questioning the brains of a woman, when she had to determine her professional name, choose that of a cracker?
Sloats, Keibler's her actual name. When she was brought into the WWF, Vince didn't want to use ANY Russo gimmicks that worked, so even though he owned the name "Miss Hancock", he wanted her just to be known as Stacy...
damn! and I thought I had a witty line.

Fake tits suck.
damn, why doesnt she realize that she is fucking perfect? If she makes em too big she is going to fall over. :lol:
Shes a stupid bitch who doesn't realize that shes perfect as is. If shes stupid enough to go and ruin her perfect set, then I hope she does and sees how messed up she becomes.