Full Version: Joobies is 21!!
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I'm sure you'd say no to christina, stud muffin.
Do they make condoms that can stop all the diseases she has?
I wouldn't worry myself, she wont be knocking down your door anytime soon.
Or yours either!
I never said she was, nor did I pretend like i'd turn her away.
I wouldn't turn her away, but I don't find her particularly attractive either
She kept touching her nose at the beginning of the show. I bet she was snorting lines off of some guys cock back stage.
You I would believe if you'd say you would turn her away cause you'd end up mocking her musical ability and slam the door in her face.

Even if you let her in you'd lecture her about what real music sounds like and play all your vinyl for her.
there's something about christina's sluttly trampy look i find hot, but i do think britney is hotter
Well, since I'm poor and all, I'd be the type of guy who fuck Roseanne if she asked me, just because she has money. So, yeah, I'd have no problem with fucking Christina. But, If I was A Rich Man (na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na !) and I had the luxary of being discriminating, I'd say no. She comes off too fake, especially with all that ghetto-fabulous attitude and talk she has. She's a white girl from Pittsburgh. I'd take Britany.
In a heartbeat.
interesting how this got turned into a conversation about another white girl from pittsburgh

and christina wasn't even really from pittsburgh or something, some town outside of it
I went to school in Pittsburgh. Anyone woman who can make it out of that town under 300 lbs is aces in my book.
Guess where Christina was born, HedCold!
i'm aware!
Same hospital! A week after me!
she'd fit right in if she still lived there
I was surpised that was done with Flash, and not AOL Homepage Maker.
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