Full Version: The best Buffalo wings - Debate.
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atomic wings in down the hatch in the village
Quote:95 is her weight; not her IQ
I hope she's under 5' tall then. If not, be careful you don't break her.
shut up fatty!
Quote:Brother Jimmys on 14th and 2nd
Are there 2 of those? I'm almost positive i've eaten at a Brother Jimmy's on the upper east side, around 76th and 2nd. Awesome food, by the way.
there are 3 of them one on the upper west side too
that is correct sir, good place to watch games.
Quote:Brother Jimmys on 14th and 2nd has great wings and a ton of other food that will surely send you to an early grave.
I love the atmosphere there reminds me of a lot of places down here in ATL...

Quote:Are there 2 of those? I'm almost positive i've eaten at a Brother Jimmy's on the upper east side, around 76th and 2nd. Awesome food, by the way.
The one I went to was on 83rd and 3rd I think. Also there's one in the 60's.
its on 76th and second
That's the one I went to...I haven't been to the upper east side since summer...
Quote:shut up fatty!
You're gonna hurt my wittle feelings.
Quote:CluckU has some pretty awesome wings, but the best ones are the ones I make at home
Now after reading this I'm gonna have to stop at Cluck U tonight. :5:
emoticon = YMB
Galt Wrote:emoticon = YMB
right you are galt :thumbs-up:
BrianBoru Wrote:
Quote:CluckU has some pretty awesome wings, but the best ones are the ones I make at home
Now after reading this I'm gonna have to stop at Cluck U tonight. :5:
tell them Goatweed sent you, they'll give you a free soda.
Tom Fisher's Tavern, Westmont NJ

The man has created the most evil sauce known to man. It's sweet... has a deep smokey flavor that is to die for. Without question he is quite possibly the most sadistic chef there has ever been. You try the mild and fall in love with the flavor... just the slightest zip, enough to wet the palette. You decide you must have more "zing" and bump yourself up to the medium.... oooh they have a nice little kick, but it brings out the flavor... wow these are even more addictive that the mild.

Before you know it, like a crackhead at 7 a.m. jonesing for your fix you get brave.... some would say stupid. You pony up and get the "HOT"..... 20 minutes later the flesh has fallen off your face and you stongly resemble an Iron Maiden album cover, yet stilll you shovel the devil's flesh into your mouth, unable to stop for even one second.

Oh, and hi guys Smile
Quote:Someone forgot to tell my body, rigormortis sets in AFTER death

That's still funny.
I'll freak if tequila shows up now.
I'll leave.
wouldn't matter, they are like the ghosts of board past and you would be their scrooge.
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