Full Version: Flock Of Moosen
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If you don't find me funny, it's because you obviously hate me.
i don't think he's talking about you, is he?
I don't know. Alkey said Moosen had it in for me for some reason. Maybe he was projecting that I cared about him.
maybe your chin offends him!!!!! (I thought I'd get it in before the others did)
who cares?
moosen is an ass.
i'm just trying to stir up some drama.
stick to lying about getting laid
yea this was bad
Quote:stick to lying about getting laid

what are you referring to?
he's talking about the redhead.
jesus christ, i fucking nailed her. get over it already.
I've always supported you in that endeavor. But I guarantee that's what Arpi was referring to.
he's just jealous he hasnt gotten laid since the days when he was moving speakers for Styx
Galt Wrote:I've always supported you in that endeavor. But I guarantee that's what Arpi was referring to.
suck ass and a liar
bunch of drama queens
titty queen.
whose the bitch who can't admit having beef with flock, reveal yourself!!!
flock is but an angel with big wings.
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