Full Version: The Passion Of The Christ - My Review
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you coulda just copy and pasted my posts instead.
It's fun hearing hundreds of mindless robots chanting that back in church with zero emotion.
Let us proclaim the mystery of faith!
It really always amused me looking at that. People standing, sitting, kneeling, chanting the same mantra all in unison like they were under mind control.

The parallel between how it appeared and the fact that it's exactly what religion actually does always made me laugh
TheGMANN Wrote:
Quote:George should go george bashing for watching gigli.

Lush had the idea of staying in,drinking and watching bad movies.

That was the MOTHER of all bad movies.
you're still an idiot
I concur.
By the way George, I hate Hondurans mixed with whiteness.
and your opinion means what to me ???
everything in the world as long as she has a vagina and you want inside it.

Youre supposed to be on my side here. Damn jews....sticking together
Cause you know how much I love dem jews
Gigli was good from the point of view that J-Lo was hot in it.

There is no god, and thus no Jesus. This entire discussion might as well be about the existence of li'l green men on Mars.

If there was a "Jesus", he was black if we are to interpret the bible as literally as it is typically quoted.
Quote:This is strictly for discussion sakes, this is not a whole belief thing, everyone has their beliefs. This is strictly under that it happened and jesus was infact the son of god, messiah, or messenger.

There is no right or wrong, everyone has their own beliefs and opinions. I do not doubt that there was a jesus, he did exist. You can't say there was no jesus, thats like saying there was no Julius Caeser. He was written about by the romans, the jews, etc.

Was he the son of god, messiah, king of the jews.. thats up for debate.
History is something that is clouded by perception. Are we to believe that David Blane can actually levitate? No? Well, had he done his li'l trick in front of the average person in 800 BC, they'd surely have bowed at his feet.

Time and experience changes perception. It's called learning. Why is all knowledge excused in the case of religion?
After seeing that movie, I thought it was the biggest load of crap ever.
The only thing I did make a conclusion on is that Jesus was gay. The flash backs of him showing him tell his male friends how much he loved him.
If you want to see a good movie on Jesus, go see The Last Temptation of Christ. At least its more believable.
Kid Afrika Wrote:History is something that is clouded by perception. Are we to believe that David Blane can actually levitate? No? Well, had he done his li'l trick in front of the average person in 800 BC, they'd surely have bowed at his feet.

Time and experience changes perception. It's called learning. Why is all knowledge excused in the case of religion?
That's completely beyond the point I made. Wether you believe in god, religion or whatever is your opinion. An opinion can't be wrong cause it is your personal feeling. If you believe the sky is red, then to you its red and nothing anyone says will change it.

You can debate if someone did something, if jesus walked on water, if alexander was a homosexual, if catherine fucked horses. But you can't debate their existence.

The point I was making that there was a jesus, that really can't be debated cause then you can debate the existence of many historical figures.

Religion is very shady in many aspects but if a person chooses to believe that is their right as a human being.
the same way religious people shouldn't be forcing their beliefs on others, non religious people shouldn't force their beliefs on anyone

tolerance is a 2 way street.
I agree with hedcold? FUCK!!!

My biggest argument about religion has always been the explanation of how things happened versus scientific theory. The answer to that assertion is always faith. Anyway, believe what you must and if it makes you a better person then more power to you.

As far as the movie goes... complete and utter crap. There's no reason to have subtitles in a movie these days. I Say screw historical accuracy. If I want to read, I'll pick up a book.
oh yeah, Monica Bellucci is hot as hell... even BC.
whats wrong with agreeing with me? :clueless:
to quote Ben Weasel

"See half the world sees the myth as fact while it's seen as a lie by the other half and the simple truth is that it's none of that and somehow no matter what the world keeps turning Somehow we get by without ever learning"
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