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have you learned to drive yet, arpi?
That I can't help him with, my expertise goes only so far.
The Sleeper Wrote:have you learned to drive yet, arpi?
i got my learners permit 2 weeks ago.
so arpi will be jersey trash soon as well?
nope. you have to be born in jersey to be jersey trash. i will be the guy who lives in jersey but tells people hes from ny.
whenever I am out of brooklyn I always tell people I am from brooklyn, even when I go to the other boroughs, i'd never wanna be associated with anyplace but brooklyn.
as a representative of the other boroughs, we thank you
I can't help it, until I started working I didnt realize I had a brooklyn accent. People would act as if I was speaking chinese most times and my boss told me to try and drop it and for the most part after some years I have.

Though I never saw the big problem with it, so when they'd ask me "what?" i'd say i'm from brooklyn, its how we talk, ok fucko?
fucko? how brooklyn of you. i turn my large proboscis up at your brooklynn roots.
I don't know what that word means but if it's a good thing, I want one.
There's this diner by me that has awesome probiscuits and gravy.

It's like this herb gravy. Really good.
well in that case, I shall take the one arpi is waving around.
i just put a bid in for a house. 5 bedrooms in maplewood. if they accept i could be in by may 1st. excited!!!!!
hahahahahahahaha you should check the surrounding areas some of the towns around maplewood are dangerous

irvington, orange, newark.
you're going to be near newark?

maplewood always up to no good
Arpikarhu Wrote:nope. you have to be born in jersey to be jersey trash. i will be the guy who lives in jersey but tells people hes from ny.
i wasn't born in jersey, i was born in new york city.
Quote:hahahahahahahaha you should check the surrounding areas some of the towns around maplewood are dangerous
Yeah, really. I grew up in Union and it was nice then (as was Maplewood), but from what I hear it's getting kind of seedy now.

What the hell do you need 5 bedrooms for?
maplewoods per capita income has increased every year for the last 5 years and has almost doubled in the last ten years. very low crime rate and i will be on the otherside away from irvington.

i will sleep in 1 bedroom
bedroom for guests
bedroom for my office
one bedroom will be turned into a huge closet
and the last bedroom will have my 1904 antique pool table, my foosball table, and a wet bar.
it also has a finished basement and attic. the place was just fully renovated, new roof, new siding,water heater, gas furnace, and brand new kitchen appliances. also has a 2 car garage and a washer and drier.
i better get this place or someone is gonna get hurt!

Edited By Arpikarhu on 1079225269
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