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if you'd angled it just a little more it would look like your cock was wearing your hat
your arms have gotten pretty hairy since we last met.
Why does your dick have flourescent lights on it?
i can't stop looking at it
Alkey is simply following the protocol of people who own O&A related message boards.

look he even has the grip down.
This is a trend I am happy not to be privy to.
you are a part of it, within 2 months you will be responsible for YMB's downfall.

It's the 5th sign of the apocalypse.
That board will look like Jesus when I'm done with it.
you make me tremble with an orgasmic array of feelings when you talk like that.
I am flabbergasted
I think the nets found a new billboard ad
Jason Kidd's head is bigger than my head.

that was actually your pee pee?

Just kidding...

That Silera's cock.
silera's gotten a lot hairier since the last time i saw her
IrishAlkey Wrote:Just kidding...

That Silera's cock.
was wondering about the arms.
I feel sick right now.
I feel sexually confused
so its business as usual then?
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