Full Version: Keyser soze! - Member appreciation thread
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Does she have AIM?
im telling you, you wont believe me...

no she isnt an online girl, i know, eh, knew her in real life

Edited By inkgrrrl on Mar. 22 2002 at 12:16
Faceman Wrote:Look at that, a whole thread about keyser...Hey little buddy...
[Image: DOG.jpg]
It kinda looks like Tonua Harding. :roflmao:
she does not!
A little... yeah she does. It's in the eyes...
ok, i kinda see it.... but only kinda...
You know, now that you mention it danked, she kinda has those fat figure skater thighs too.

And she looks flat like Tonya. Blonde her hair up a bit, and that could definately be her.
Hey... I'm just trying to help.
dmn you danked.....
Faceman Wrote:Look at that, a whole thread about keyser.
You mean this isn't another thread about Maynard?
Pages: 1 2