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i dont have a problem with him using it to prove a point, QS's sig wasnt causing browsers to crash, Kid's was.
only thing i didn't like about quickstop's sig was it didn't actually say the date the dvd was coming out
We should all put sounds in our sigs. Each time you open your browser, your ears are harmonically raped. It'll be fun!
Keyser Soze Wrote:i dont have a problem with him using it to prove a point, QS's sig wasnt causing browsers to crash, Kid's was.
That's a crock of shit. Did I ask anyone to disable Quickstop's sig behind his back? Nope, because that's a fucking spineless thing to do. I posted a thread about it and I didn't argue when people voted that it should stay. I simply further impressed that it was annoying as fuck by adding an even more annoying sound to my sig.

Had someone told me that people's browsers were crashing, I probably would've taken the sound out voluntarily. I still think it's fucked up that someone would go into my account options and turn it off. That's the thing that is in question here, not whether or not I should be allowed to have sound in my sig.

You can call me a whiny bitch and a fag all you want, but I think I have a valid point when people lack the cajones to ask me to take the sound out for a real reason and choose instead to modify my account with out saying a word to me about it.

This is the second time that Jack has pulled this shit and I submit that there should not be a third.

Jack, stop acting like you're 12 and can't convincingly argue a point. If you have a legitimate gripe with something I've done, tell me and we'll work out a solution. You change shit around again without even the courtesy of telling me you're going to do it or at least that you have done it and we're going to have a problem.
its a sig pic, get over yourself. who cares.
I changed Arpi's gender to female.
Fuck off.

If you don't care, then quit posting in here and let it go away.
this is the seriously the dumbest thread ever.
It's certainly no "I got pre-approved"... Rolleyes
like you're not engrossed in every step of arpi's imaginary home purchasing saga.
Quote:You change shit around again without even the courtesy of telling me you're going to do it or at least that you have done it and we're going to have a problem.

you're kidding me, right? an internet-threat????
Keyser Soze Wrote:like you're not engrossed in every step of arpi's imaginary home purchasing saga.
Just for that you are Off the house warming party list.
Kid Afrika Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:i dont have a problem with him using it to prove a point, QS's sig wasnt causing browsers to crash, Kid's was.
That's a crock of shit. Did I ask anyone to disable Quickstop's sig behind his back? Nope, because that's a fucking spineless thing to do. I posted a thread about it and I didn't argue when people voted that it should stay. I simply further impressed that it was annoying as fuck by adding an even more annoying sound to my sig.

Had someone told me that people's browsers were crashing, I probably would've taken the sound out voluntarily. I still think it's fucked up that someone would go into my account options and turn it off. That's the thing that is in question here, not whether or not I should be allowed to have sound in my sig.

You can call me a whiny bitch and a fag all you want, but I think I have a valid point when people lack the cajones to ask me to take the sound out for a real reason and choose instead to modify my account with out saying a word to me about it.

This is the second time that Jack has pulled this shit and I submit that there should not be a third.

Jack, stop acting like you're 12 and can't convincingly argue a point. If you have a legitimate gripe with something I've done, tell me and we'll work out a solution. You change shit around again without even the courtesy of telling me you're going to do it or at least that you have done it and we're going to have a problem.

Not only did I not act alone (This was discussed in the Mod Forum), but as I mentioned before, it was not done as a target to you and I DO NOT just cater to a single person on this board.

And to tell me that you would simply have removed it because I asked you is bullshit. You as well as the rest of this board know that you would have fought whatever it may have been I asked just because thats the way you are.

And as for "spineless"... No. Spineless would have been circumventing the issue when you asked, or should I say bluntly accused, about someone changing it. I stood up and told you I did it. I didn't play it off like it did it itself like other admins have done on other boards (No, I am not referring to FTL).

You can continue this fight if you wish, but do it with someone else. This is my last post regarding this issue.
an e-threat!
I didn't say I was gonna kick his ass. I said we would have a problem.

Quote:And to tell me that you would simply have removed it because I asked you is bullshit. You as well as the rest of this board know that you would have fought whatever it may have been I asked just because thats the way you are.

You know fuck all about me. You've never asked me anything, so how could you possibly know how I would respond?
You should both get knives and be thrown in the Thunderdome.
seriously, who the fuck cares, you 2 are the worst
Jack Wrote:I didn't play it off like it did it itself like other admins have done on other boards (No, I am not referring to FTL).
Yes you are.
I think it was a Vin referance.
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