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Balh blah blah ...words.

I just kissed my biceps.
Luna Wrote:DIG lives in a dark vault, Splatt... he would never be able to find his way to the post office to get some anthrax.
I'll see that he gets some.

diceisgod Wrote:I just kissed my own dick because nobody else will.
Yeah, yeah.... we know, Diggywiggy. :SMOOOOOCH:
Luna Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:I just kissed my mother and slid my tongue down her throat because I could, since I was holding her down.
That gene pool's getting pretty shallow.
Splatterpunk Wrote:
Luna Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:I just kissed my mother and slid my tongue down her throat because I could, since I was holding her down.
That gene pool's getting pretty shallow.
I think it's high time for a neuter...

:Confusednaps on surgical gloves::
Both of you women together couldn't take me.
diceisgod Wrote:Both of you women together couldn't take me.
You're right...

We would probably have abdominal pains and sudden episodes of throwing up if you came into view...
Luna Wrote:
Splatterpunk Wrote:
Luna Wrote:
diceisgod Wrote:I just kissed my mother and slid my tongue down her throat because I could, since I was holding her down.
That gene pool's getting pretty shallow.
I think it's high time for a neuter...

:Confusednaps on surgical gloves::
Whoops! Too late!


God, this isn't even a challenge. I'm bored. Back to the big kid's table with me. You comin' Luna?

Send Gonzo & Alkey & Keyser my love! Actually, I send Keyser my panties & a red lace bra. I didn't forget about you, Keyser. You're too smart for these morons, too! Gonzo, Keyser, & Alkey. They sure are nice to play with the dirty, unloved kids, aren't they?

You Alkey & Gonzo need a secret board, Keyser. Good luck with that, yo!




P.S. Galt can come to the new secret board I am going to start, and maybe Goatweed can... I'll think about it! :37:
Your time would be better served else where then piddling around on this board. With everything you do in life ask yourself this question: Is what I'm doing right now going to improve my dick sucking ability? If "no" then move on.
Quote:God, this isn't even a challenge. I'm bored. Back to the big kid's table with me. You comin' Luna?
Wait for me... here I come! :loveya:
someones bitter.
I'm horny. Bootie call!
IM me anytime.

Can't wait to get souped up... the mere thought of it soups me up. :banana:
Quote:and maybe Goatweed can... I'll think about it!

I can hardly wait for your decision...
Goatweed Wrote:
Quote:and maybe Goatweed can... I'll think about it!

I can hardly wait for you decision...
You're approved. :14:
Splatterpunk Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:
Quote:and maybe Goatweed can... I'll think about it!

I can hardly wait for you decision...
You're approved. :14:
does that mean you, Luna and I can have a threesome?
I'm good for it! You need to convince Luna now.
even if she says no, its a 2-1 vote. Majority wins.
That's right! [Image: broccoli.gif] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
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