Full Version: At birth, women have all their eggs for their life - right, that's true, isn't it?
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Does that mean if we can find a way to count the amount of eggs that a woman currently has, we'll know exactly when she will die?
no. women dont drop thier last egg on the day they die. it happens years before. its called menopause.
tomorrow i will help you understand where babies come from.
so what you're saying is that any woman with less than roughly 450-500 eggs will probably die before this "menopause" thing?
I scrambled all my eggs last night. I cooked them up & fed them to the cat.
is this your office humor or girl humor? or both?
Both! My office the office of punk & I'm not too successful.
see what a Harvard education will do for you?
that was a question for galt, but thanks for answering anyway...i guess
ive never heard that a woman was born with all her eggs at birth. i thought the cells did that wacky special mitosis thing (called something else) and made the eggs one by one every month or so.
what kind of sex ed do they teach now?
Every women has a secret room where all the eggs hang out in. It looks like this:

:-) :-( :-D :-p ;-) Undecided :-o :angry: Rolleyes :clueless: Confusedneak:
Confusedneak: :clueless: Rolleyes :angry: :-o Undecided ;-) :-p :-D :-( :-)
:-( :-) :-D :-p Undecided ;-) :angry: :clueless: :-o :-p Undecided
Rolleyes :clueless: :angry: :-) :-o :-D Undecided ;-) :-p :-( :clueless:
:-) :-( :-D :-p ;-) Undecided :-o :angry: Rolleyes :clueless: Confusedneak:
Confusedneak: :clueless: Rolleyes :angry: :-o Undecided ;-) :-p :-D :-( :-)
:-( :-) :-D :-p Undecided ;-) :angry: :clueless: :-o :-p Undecided
Rolleyes :clueless: :angry: :-) :-o :-D Undecided ;-) :-p :-( :clueless:
Holy shit, this is the dumbest thing ever.
All fetus' are female primarily.

Quote:I scrambled all my eggs last night. I cooked them up & fed them to the cat.
Luna Wrote:All fetus' are female primarily.

Quote:I scrambled all my eggs last night. I cooked them up & fed them to the cat.

She don't mess around, yo

The egg room was a big dark secret. Thanks for nothing.

QuickStop Wrote:ive never heard that a woman was born with all her eggs at birth. i thought the cells did that wacky special mitosis thing (called something else) and made the eggs one by one every month or so.
Mitosis - Cell Division in Somatic Cells.
Meiosis - Cell Division in Reproductive Cells.

Women usually are born with all the sex cells they will use between puberty and menopause. Meiosis only occurs after fertilization when the fetus is gestating.
thats the one. i never liked bio, so i dont remember most of the stuff. i do remember "mitochondria" cause i liked that word. it sounds badass
They're the powerhouse