Full Version: GonzoStyle
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emoticon replies make me sick.
how can you not like little wavey guy?
Sorry luna.
that was a little harsh
sorry... not really.
that's trish's favoUrite wavey guy.
Heathens the lot of ya.
Go stuff a smilie in it, Mister Gonzo. :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :firebounce:

:banana: :fart: :fuggin:

:rofl: :-D

yeah, that's a bit much - we should enact a "maximum 1 smiley per post" rule or something.
It sort of gives me a headache to look at it.
I know the feeling...
Hey, I remember Gonzostyle. I dont see a muppet in the sig, but Im sure it's the same guy.
the Jim Henson Co. put a stop to that.
and the winner of the bowling tournament got the cease and desist letter framed and autographed!!

oh wait
not a Spiderman DVD?
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