Full Version: Anime - cartoons - i thought i was wierd... - No, and i don't mean as die hard as seph
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thank you kind one last thing, i have no access to a computer except here at are all of these available on dvd so I can watch at home?
Everything mentioned here except Yamato is on DVD. This is the best place to buy them all online.
again, thank you
Don't forget Orotsukidoji.. VERY important.. no Anime collection is complete without at LEAST one tape of Orutsukidoji
Im gonna take this opportunity to mention something kinda important to me::


It does nothing more than cheapen the entire medium of anime. When I mention anime to my friends nowadays, the response i usually get is "OMG SI TAHT WHERE TEH CART00N GURLZ FUX0R EACH OHTER?!?"

Dont watch Hentai. Watch porn.
interesting...i had seen some stuff that looks more like porn than anything else advertised in magazines and such, and wondered how much of anime was that way.
C'mon Seph, you enjoyed La Blue Girl....
i loved that show.

i used to run home from grade school to watch it.

i actually have an import playstation game based on it, it's called "space battleship yamato"

the FMVs in the game are stunning it's like watching the show.
unfortunately i don't read or understand japanese so i haven't made it very far in the game.
National Console Support, Inc.

i figured you guys would love this site. they have all sorts of shit that's right up your alley.

this is the site that i purchased the game that i mentioned earlier

they have mostly import games. but i'm sure you guys know that in japan they have all sorts of anime based games.

check out the toys and collectibles.

Edited By LZMF1 on Mar. 22 2002 at 1:59
AICN Anime Report

In case you wanted to know what NEW films were coming out.
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A EXCELLENT Fansubber Site. Tells you which IRC Channels released which Anime on any given day, then Links to a description of the anime. This is a MUST if you are serious about Digital Fansubs.
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