Full Version: it's ok to fail
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The weasel: me and my girl are looking at places
deadlaughter2: i thought you broke up
The weasel: we are back
deadlaughter2: moving in together?
The weasel: buying a place yes
The weasel: i'll probally still fuck other chicks when i can
deadlaughter2: your honor knows no bounds
The weasel: but she gets on my nerves alot less than all the other girls i have been fucking
The weasel: were buying a duplex so if we split we can just rent out both places
The weasel: more of a buisness thing
The weasel: kinda using her probally cause i'd never get something like that done on my own
deadlaughter2: well i'm sure it's going to work out wonderfully
The weasel: it will be better than living here
deadlaughter2: i don't foresee any it asap
The weasel: i don't have many other choices
The weasel: too lazy to do anything on my own
deadlaughter2: everything will just fall into place
deadlaughter2: you'll be fine
The weasel: i have always had to reply on girls for trasportation,calling places picking shit up for me
deadlaughter2: that's why you'll be a very successful entrepreneur
The weasel: the girl i fuck at work makes me lunch everyday
deadlaughter2: you've really got the world by the balls
deadlaughter2: the sky is the limit
The weasel: i'm going to the casinos in like a hour
The weasel: no work for me today
The weasel: don't feel like it
deadlaughter2: this is actually a good career move
deadlaughter2: you'll be rich in a doubt
The weasel: i want to sleep my way to the top of the company
The weasel: i have been living off the money i make at poker games at work
The weasel: there such retards i take all there money everytime
The weasel: they stay in to the end with 1 pair
deadlaughter2: you're their star employee
The weasel: complete retards
You surround yourself with idiots for kicks.
Quote:deadlaughter2: well i'm sure it's going to work out wonderfully

DIG is Nostradamus for sure.
I'm dumbfounded by the weasels complete lack of comprehension of your sarcasm. It looks like he's chatting with himself.
IrishAlkey Wrote:You surround yourself with idiots for kicks.
i actually thought it was another board person stupid enough to talk to him.
The weasel: i'm causeing trouble in my new guild already
deadlaughter2: I got a new joke
The weasel: go for it
deadlaughter2: what's the difference between an orange?
The weasel: and a what?
deadlaughter2: exactly...that's the joke
The weasel: great one
The weasel: putz
deadlaughter2: it works
The weasel: can we talk about City of Heroes now?
deadlaughter2: can talk at me about it if you like
The weasel: did u get your preorder yet?
The weasel: don't say your too busy
The weasel: cause your on here lots
deadlaughter2: i gave this peurto rican fellow on the subway 30 dollars and told him to bring me a copy
deadlaughter2: he hasn't come back yet
The weasel: and summer is soon
The weasel: so u need to get to the store before the 7th
The weasel: idiots in my guild gave me a title
The weasel: they want everyone to have a title also
deadlaughter2: does your character have a cape?
The weasel: fucking nerds
The weasel: there are no capes yet
The weasel: there working on that
The weasel: i'm not even in game yet
The weasel: i keep getting fucked over on the beta invites
The weasel: but anyway
The weasel: yeah they want a cap of 15
The weasel: members
The weasel: and so says
The weasel: it should be flexable for family and friends cause they are going for closeness and i said the core of them kind of guilds are the RL family and friends
The weasel: and there not exactly listening to em
The weasel: me
deadlaughter2: who is RL?
The weasel: how can they be so stupid
The weasel: real life
deadlaughter2: sounds exciting
The weasel: what are they going to tell a member sorry your son can't join we have 15 people all ready
The weasel: people that want only 15 are the pussy casual gamers theat don't want to get left behind
The weasel: they want to stick out
deadlaughter2: it's weird because i haven't heard the President or John Kerry mention this in their campaign speeches yet
deadlaughter2: this is worse than terrorism
The weasel: there waiting for the right time i'm sure
deadlaughter2: if Duke wins I'm gonna win money
The weasel: what that have to do with COH?
deadlaughter2: Duke is full of superheroes
deadlaughter2: Uconn are the evil-doers
deadlaughter2: actually i did preorder that game
deadlaughter2: just kidding
whats the difference between an apple and a pear?

because they both have pits!!!

You gotta ring in with that shit right away or mr. trebek is liable to punch you in the fuckin face, ok sailor?
DIG stole that joke from me.

I have posted that exact joke before.
I've stolen tons of material from this board.