Full Version: I've Got A Question - for all of you
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My buddy auditioned for the Apprentice yesterday. I have no idea how he did. This will be my entire contribution to this thread.
i read that part where gonzo was doing donald taking to galt in the donald voice. hysterical!
Reality shows don't let convicts on.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Galt would wow the donald with his story of how he caught arpi lying about making dough of a stock. Then donald would say "you mean arpikarhu? He's a good friend and he didn't lie cause we both were involved in the same deal and I also made a killing... you sir are fired!!"
Then he would grab off his pelt of hair and strike Galt upon each cheek.
Keyser was frightened by admiration this afternoon. He may rethink his life of fame and groupies.
:2: <--- Keyser

(Pss, Keyser. I just did it again. :6: )
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