Full Version: Top 10 Rock Songs - from MSNBC
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uhm Jay, it is 2004.
Well, I meant 2003.
its ok, you're still my american idol.
american idol is awesome, without it we wouldn't have retarded koreans singing ricky martin songs and enormous gay black men with lisps doin the 3 snaps in a Z formation while verbally assaulting the judges.
the first few weeks are amazing. when they get to the part where the 'real' singers compete, its utterly unwatchable.
I tune out at that point, the initial aired auditions is where it's at.
my favorite one was "scat girl"
was that the crazy white bitch with the scooter, what happened did she actually win?
they're too dumb to realize her true potential. she would have gone triple platinum in a week.
she was wacky, not like Wacky D from CB4 wacky but wacky indeed.
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