Full Version: Existentialism
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Pages: 1 2
GonzoStyle Wrote:You poor lonely man.
what does lonliness have to do with what i said. i dont believe in a god and i think that i am responsible for myself without the reliance of a supernatural hand to guide or save me.
I'm not so much a republica as I am an aliberal
Arpi totally just owned both of youse
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Galt Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:i am very in touch with the each person is alone in the universe untouched by an imaginary god and is therefore responsible to himself idea
then how can you be a liberal?
what makes you think i am a liberal?
i dont think you understand the true core ideals of the democratic, conservative, rebublican , and liberal parties.

you probably think george w is a true republican.
You voted for Hillary.
Pages: 1 2