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pager/cellphone/email. All the cool businesspeople have them.
I sure hope not. I bet you have to wear a tie too. sucker!
i dont, but i do have a blackberry. you can send email from it, i even have it setup to send AIM messages and include my AOL buddy list.
I don't have a blackberry. But yes, I wear a suit and tie every single day. Not just that, but all of the other salespeople who have been there a while make well into the high 6-figure/low 7-figure incomes and therefore everyone has $1.000 suits and $300 shoes while I'm wearing Men's Wearhouse crap.

So I have to wear suits, and waste money on that shit, but I also get mocked because I'm not wearing Armani
My suit is a Sears
Keyser Soze Wrote:i dont, but i do have a blackberry. you can send email from it, i even have it setup to send AIM messages and include my AOL buddy list.
Fuck blackberry...Handspring's Treo does all that too. And is a phone.

Edited By Gooch on 1083705045
I don't care, I got mine free.
I'll bet the vivacious redhead bought it for you after your night of intercourse.
cutting edge humor right there. grumpy gills has nothing on you.
the ladies of rego park better watch out

Edited By drusilla on 1083707354
what's wrong with Men's Warehouse? I mean yeah, they're no Armani but I got 2 kickass suits from them and I would recommend them highly.
ain't got shit on my sweet George Foreman comfort zone suit from the big and tall.
Congrats on the job

Im secretly hoping you get a new apartment near mine.
sleeper living 10 minutes from lush.

think of the possibilities....

I didnt even think of that.
i held a blackberry once and i thought they worked as phones too. i'd reccommend you come by for a power lunch but i don't do those hours anymore. (althought i may be contractually obligated to sugest crt on 40th) if you wanna entertain clients though, i so can take care of you... well, you know where it is
Arelis' blackberry has the crappiest reception of any phone I've ever had the displeasure of calling.
i dont have a blackberry phone. it just sends pages. you can page a message to a phone, a funny computerized voice reads it to them. i've pranked a few friends with it.
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