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drusilla Wrote:turn the radio up for that sweet sound!
that was my favorite song when I was 5!
i bet he had a rubiks cube in his pocket and a bunch of those black rubber bracelets on.
Arpikarhu Wrote:i bet he had a rubiks cube in his pocket and a bunch of those black rubber bracelets on.
Sex bracelets

I had a plastic charm necklace and a snap bracelet
in the 80's they werent called sex bracelets. they were called "those black rubber thingies".
They were the poor kids jewelry
nah, all the cool kids were wearing them.
Arpi had them on when he came out to Rodeo Bar, I was wondering what the fuck they were.
Did he have the thick New Yorker shoe laces on too while listening to Jam On It on his boom box?
I didnt notice his shoes, I couldnt get over the pants and gaudy rings.
He's a rodeo goth.
Wouldn't that be the bad guy?
not according to minor threat
GonzoStyle Wrote:rings.
Oh, that's bad. If you are not married there is no reason to wear a wring. MAYBE a college ring, but that's pretty pathetic.

I guess some of those trendy guys can off the thumb ring, but very few, and I doubt he's one of them.

He didn't have a pinky ring did he? That's the lowest of the low.
I still wear my high school ring, especially since I recently found it again. I get a lot of compliments on it too.
i bought the cheapest one cause i knew i was never gonna wear it & i only bought it cause my ex wanted it. i never got that thing back.
I'm amazed mine still fits me.
ahh, the good ol' days
i never bought a class ring, they looked cheesy.
Arpi wears Galts class ring on a chain around his neck.
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