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i actually hate hot dogs... so i guess thats a no
A bad choice my friend, I'll give you one more chance.

If the moon were made of chinese spare ribs, would you eat it?
coppelia Wrote:me... or lush...
you actually - or lush, whoever feels like answering.
i didnt even know that chinese made spare ribs.... but i like ribs... so maybe?
what the fuck do you know?
that i dont like hotdogs.... or popcorn....
chinese boneless ribs are awesome
next time i get chinese ill have to try it...

o and goatweed... I'm fine... a little sore... started working out again this week... did a few too many sit ups or something cause my stomach muscles are hurting!!!
oh man, chinese boneless spare ribs with french fries is heaven.
boneless ribs are the bestest ever.

but hotdogs are yucky.
I started working out again this week also - Im a little sore, but not as bad as I thought.

boneless anything pretty much rocks, it's so much easier to eat boneless food.
i can only stomach hotdogs if they are boiled... on the grill they are quite possibly the nastiest thing ever created
un-american bastards!!
i agree, i only eat dirty water dogs
I eat either, but I prefer mine grilled with kraut and/or onions
ick! i dont like kraut either!!!
kraut is nasty, but i have become a fan of onions
Goatweed Wrote:I started working out again this week also - Im a little sore, but not as bad as I thought.
yea i have a bet going with a friend... who ever comes back this summer looking most changed ( meaning more fit, not fatter) gets taken out to a steak dinner... motivation is always good
onions & relish with some hot mustard!!
I have no idea who this person is. Is she attractive enough to tolerate?
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