Full Version: Guess who i happened to call today...
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so im doing my usual telemarketing thing, and i just so happened to call the one....the only....stalker patty. apparently she is living in central islip now with a bunch of mexicans
you make fun of her?
sadly i only got an answering machine but i wrote down her number
stalker quickstop
ill sell it to anyone for $5
that doesn't top when i saw lady di and marion on the NJ Transit.
did you get their phone numbers?
I got drunk with High Pitch Eric and Drunk Jeff.
gonzo doesn't appreciate those jokes
I find it more unbelievable that the moron has a phone.
HedCold Wrote:gonzo doesn't appreciate those jokes
Hedcold beat me to it :thumbs-up:
who wants the number folks? $5!!! come on
Galt Wrote:I got drunk with High Pitch Eric and Drunk Jeff.
May every restaurant you frequent always be out of sun-dried tomatos.