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Keyser Soze Wrote:i must obtain her permission first
offer her a cupcake
She's blonde.
Less then 250 lbs or more?
Um, yes?
Half of you would fuck her

the other half continue hiding behind your computer and jerk one out
well where are they?
Apparently, they're right under our noses where they were all along.
she looks like my moustache?
you have a mustache?
I do, and a goatee.
Now THAT is truly ironic.
someone once said it looked like a vagina with teeth - I was flattered.
i think i might post them soon if i dont hear back from her
did you wait this long with Suzie's IM?
i could barely finishing typing my last reply before i posted it
I saw GWAR tonight. More people might be interested in that.
ill tell you what, shes pretty fucking hot
She probably is. Everybody didn't kiss her ass for nothing and certainly not for her brilliant posting.
Who's a bigger cock tease, Keyser or VG?
the only thing that interests me is that she seemed to date maynard, piques the imaginary brainwaves
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