Full Version: Oh no!!!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
For me to know, and you to find out. :11:
google didn't work - you lied!

Sooooooooooooooooooooo.....what happened to Sean? :26:
he was killed in a car accident with a few others on the way to a cdih softball game
that story never gets old.
it was horrible, there were bearclaws everywhere.
The blueberry cream spilled on the driver. It was over in a few seconds.

Took Snuka and Howie with him. :33:
Quote:Took Snuka and Howie with him.

thank god - but spilling the blueberry creme was a sin
Blueberry creme is the worst ever. And I tried it on you'alls advice.

When did you move to Alabama?

You'all?!?! :30:
that's cause it sucks on the West Coast - it's awesome out here.
Pages: 1 2