Full Version: I want arpi to quit the board
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OK, now I'm upset I didn't use Shaft in Africa
i do. i used to watch it. as well as hulk hogans rock n wrestling. or whatever it was called.
drusilla Wrote:i do. i used to watch it. as well as hulk hogans rock n wrestling. or whatever it was called.
Shaft was the man, back off now!!!
You know they made a sequel to Jack Frost, where the snowman killed everyone?

What kind of sequel is that?
[Image: arpi.gif] (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)}" onclick="javascript:if(this.width > (screen.width/2)){this.width = (this.width/2)} else {this.width = (this.width*2)}" border="0" alt='Posted image: Click to resize'>
still here
I, for one, and glad to hear that. I was getting nervous :29:
I love him. He's like those happy old people who become known for sitting by the side of a busy street and waving to passing cars. People drive by regularly and beep just to see him and get him to wave to them.

That's just like our Arpi... except he doesn't wave or anything. He just says mean things to you.
hooligans! Confusedhakes fist angrily::
Blue, you're my boy!
Everyone be nice. Arpi's hip is going to crack from sadness.
hey , an arpi is old gag! very original and cutting edge. and people think that i am in decline. you are a fucking disgrace.
calm down. Don't have a stroke, man.
stroke jokes, how edgy.
AND HE'S A LIAR for the trifecta
you are but a shell of your former self.
That has been a winning bit for you for the last year, keep it up.
someone has to pick up the slack. i dare anyone to look at your posts from last year and compare them to your posts from this year. two very different animals. you were much better before you started posting twice as much. you have diluted yourself.
I concurr. Galt has really started slipping. The spelling mistakes alone are depressing.
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