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im a bit more discriminating about whose secrets i keep
i am sure that makes alot of people feel better. you either keep secrets or you dont. there is no selection process.
you dont.
you arent near cool enough to be evil. you qualify more as peurile than evil.
that really hurts coming from a senior citizen on a message board.
yes, i am a senior citizen. i am very old. you got me. Rolleyes
Well, do you wear your slippers to the grocery store and carry a stockpile of hard candy in your sweater pockets to give to little kids?
lets see i can't keep secrets because i posted a booty call from a drunken coke whore and posted pictures of a fat girl. sue me.
at least you admit that you cant keep secrets. and the "so sue me" defense is a perfect example of the peurility that i spoke of before. weak indeed.
those are the only 2 secrets i did not keep, if you can even call them secrets.

there are things several people on this board have told me that currently i am holding secret, and will not reveal.
Keyser Soze Wrote:there are things several people on this board have told me that currently i am holding secret, and will not reveal.
me too!!! :banana:
Try and try as you might, you will never be as cool as the keyser. :21:
I nailed the red head.
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No one told me any secrets. One person confided in me, and I am keeping it secret until a later time when I will use all that information to mock and humiliate him or her
Galt Wrote:No one told me any secrets. One person confided in me, and I am keeping it secret until a later time when I will use all that information to mock and humiliate him or her
I now regret it.
Rooner Wrote:I now regret it.
dude, just fuck off and we'll be golden.
Goatweed Wrote:
Rooner Wrote:I now regret it.
dude, just fuck off and we'll be golden.
whatever man, if that's how you wanna come off, so be it
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