Full Version: DirecTV series 2 Tivo and Vonage - goddamn phone issues....
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I recently switched to vonage as my phone service and it kicks major ass. The only problem I am running into is with my DirecTV DVR. I have a series 2 reciever and since I now do not have a traditional phone line, my DVR cannot dial in and get it's updates. I put it off for a couple months thinking there would be no problems, but after about 90 days the record option was disabled. Seems the Tivo got all screwy without the updates. Does anyone know of a way to connect a DirecTV series 2 DVR to my Vonage phone modem and make it work that way? There is no way I am ever going back to a traditional phone line for twice as much money and for half the features I get with vonage. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have DirecTV Tivo and have only made the call once when I first bought it. I haven't had the thing connected to the phone line since and I can still record.
How long have you gone in between calls? At about 30 days with no call a message kept coming up telling me it's been x amount of days since it last called in for information. After 90 days, the reciever crapped out on me. No record option at all.
its been almost a year, i can still record fine.