Full Version: Mark all topics read
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AKA the "Mark this forum's topics as being old" link.

I've never clicked it before in my life. Why is Goatweed so in love with it?

Edited By Galt on 1089401993
so they dont come up when he hits new posts
what's wrong with them coming up?
it just bothered me that it wasn't there - and even now, it's only half-there. It really should be forum specific (like it is here and every other board in the known universe) and not mark the whole board up at once.

chop chop, Opus!!
I don't think I've ever used the feature... even out of curiousity.
that explains a great many things.
It's like everything old is new again!
I agree with Danked.
So I clicked this mystery button on the topics in the Sports Forum.

I honostly cannot tell what is different.
try doing it sober & not high - POTHEAD!!!
I'm at 50% and I see no change.
well that 50% must be throwing you off.

It marks everything read - how could you not see that?!?!?
I just open the forums and see what threads have replies in them.
so do I, but sometimes theres only replies from, for example, Danked - so I wanna mark 'em read so I dont get fooled into reading his replies.

get it?
GonzoStyle Wrote:I agree with Danked.
me too