Full Version: And with this thread i begin the epic battle....
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it was not staged! i cant help it if laz fights like the french.
Keyser Soze Wrote:DIG is truly king of all message boards.
oops! watch out Galt, your lap dog is sucking up to someone else. better shorten that leash.
i'd like my rating and apri's rating juxtaposed. thank you.
Arpikarhu Wrote:it was not staged! i cant help it if laz fights like the french.
sure thing nature boy.
What can I say about you that hasn't been said 1000 times here. I will not repeat that regurgitated tripe. everyone knows you are a middle-age loser much like the OAS and KEN. you will soon be gone and forgotten much like them.
it took you a full day to come up with that?!? you truly are my bitch!
Would anyone ever lose if all it took to win was to simply state, "I win"?

You are very impressed with yourself arpi, too bad nobody else shares your opinion.
Quote:Would anyone ever lose if all it took to win was to simply state, "I win"?

do i use hypocrite or irony here?
i think the real loser here is the 38 year old man who has message board battles
says you!
Sorry old man had to get out and enjoy the great weekend weather.

you should try it sometime.
he strokes in the sunlight
That's funny and odd.

2 Points for Gooch.
he strokes in the sun can be taken a number of different ways.

I am visualizing three of them and giggling to myself.
the thought of you visualizing me stroking it has made me have to stroke it. i hope that it doesnt create some sort of moebious(sp?) strip of neverending visualization and stroking.
Why struggle with some odd word when you could've easily said "endless" instead?
he thinks this place is Monday night football. you have to excuse him he's senile
sorry, i will try to dumb it down for you from now on.
you dumbed it down by using that extra O
so then why the bitching?
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