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I think I'll submit myself to a public flogging in the middle of town square after work.
I remember when I met Kevin Maas and he signed a baseball for me. I totally thought I had a goldmine in my hands cause kevin maas would one day be one of the greatest of all times...

Fools Gold.
Arpikarhu Wrote:and +10 to GOOCH? insult to injury!
so jealous b/c i am comedy brilliance next to you.

you were so much funnier before you pounded that coke whore.

Now you are like Wilford Brimley who's been out of the swimming pool too long.

"Whoa, that'll make your ol' ball sack shrivel up."
Gooch Wrote:
Quote:I still wear my high school ring - I paid a nice amount of coin for it, so why not? Plus it looks pretty sweet.

do you harken for the days when you caught 5 touchdowns, Al?
he ran for 4 touchdowns, but who's counting
how dare you. back to your hole, damnit!
sorry, I'm bored. If only I had some other place to go.
Why did you all leave YMB?

Tell us all now! NOW NOW NOW NOW
alkey got all froyish on them
He left b/c his "girlfriend" dated another board member, but he himself was married, and she wasn't his girlfriend at all...and he was some deranged stalker. Oops....wrong rumor.
Keyser Soze Wrote:alkey got all froyish on them
Did he send cock pics to Eli?
Galt Wrote:Why did you all leave YMB?

Tell us all now! NOW NOW NOW NOW
it was your non-participation.
he didnt pick up the bill at lunch
you want the truth....

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>DIG RAN ME OFF THE BOARD!</span>
Corpse is bringin' the food!!!
Topper Harley Wrote:you want the truth....

<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>DIG RAN ME OFF THE BOARD!</span>
I thought it was The Man who done it.
gooch loves him some golden age
no news on Hottie?
no news is good news
i have hottie in the trunk of my car.
just spill it, bitch.
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