Full Version: Observations about Rego Park, Queens
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Pages: 1 2
-Approximately .00006% of the population speaks English as a first language.

-.00006% of the population is under 60

-There are 2 karate schools within a block from each other.

-Russian girls don't like to wear bras.

-You can go from a nice quiet tree filled neighborhood to garbage on the street and jews peddling "durasell" batteries for a dollar in a 5 minute walk.
I assume he spelled it wrong to increase the ghettoness
Velociti - 1
Arpi - 0
way to let him off the hook velociti. he grabbed onto that like it was a life raft.
yes because jews would turn profit selling 16 DuraCell batteries for $1
someone throw sleeper a life vest! hes drowning!
Sleeper - 1
Arpi - 0
I think it's obvious that Arpi outwitted both Sleeper and Velociti
there used to be a lady who lived there called Doris who used to call WFAN pretty much every day. she used to cough after every 3 words because she had lung cancer.
way to stay up on the news. she died and there was a big to-do in the papers. guess you arent much for reading.
Keyser Soze Wrote:used to be
Yeah Keyser, you idiot!
used to be could mean she moved or a host of other things. i want clarity, damn it!!!
i was trying to be dry, moron. i knew she was dead.
sure you did.
uh huh
Arpi wins!
Pages: 1 2