Full Version: So why does the last ten posts...
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5'2", that's like 3 inches from 4'11, and that's like, a 5th grader.
I'm sorry, something was put in the water. We were all born without that birth know...the one where your black.
The Jays Wrote:5'2", that's like 3 inches from 4'11, and that's like, a 5th grader.
Yeah and I get into movies for the same price as a 5th grader.
So what about that last ten post list?
you would think someone who's 5'2" could at least learn to code a message board while he's being cast out from all social circles
Black people stole all the tall genes.
Already did and you still haven't provided any actual defects with my message board. :Confusedmack::
Holy moolie! Slap my ass and call me Navin!
it took him 2 weeks
Black Lazerus Wrote:Black people stole all the tall genes.
That and the sickle cell genes. Not to mention my bike.
Chris52 Wrote:Already did and you still haven't provided any actual defects with my message board. :Confusedmack::
I don't like the whole bulletin board look that your bulletin board has.

And there's no signatures.

And no avatars.

And no scrolling statii.

And no 389 different emoticons to express moods with.
This is like putting a juvenile in Oz.
I have sigs...
Kenny Waaaaangler, as as Adbesi would say.

"Come to bed, Kenny"
The Sleeper Wrote:and YOU CANT SEE THE THREADS
Are you serious? Because I tested it in IE and mozilla and haven't had complaints from anyone.
I'm as serious as a growth stunt
gimme screenshot
The Sleeper Wrote:and YOU CANT SEE THE THREADS
Are you serious? Because I tested it in IE and mozilla and haven't had complaints from anyone.

that's because you can't recieve any messages.
The Jays Wrote:that's because you can't recieve any messages.
Please, next time you say something to me, make sense.
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