Full Version: Throw the jew down the well - so my country can be free
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you can't come in here with that shirt

i paid $250 for this shirt!
booooooooooooorat booooooooooooooooooorat
hit the gyspy!
i am getting my jew claw refit today.
Galt Wrote:hit the gyspy!
I didnt appreciate that, Im of gypsy ancestry.
explains alot.
Im also Cherokee, Italian and Irish, what does that explain oh wise one?
that you are disjointed and fucked up
I have the same makeup as Rooner, if you add Ukranian and switch Cherokee with Blackfoot.
ha ha! keyser wears makeup! fag!
Arpikarhu Wrote:that you are disjointed and fucked up
Damn, I guess it does tell a lot.
thats rich coming from dame edna's bitchboy.
thats what you had to bring out to counter me? weak!
I'm white
and how!
thats an expression someone of a geriatric disposition would make, how appropriate.
I'm all black
yeah, until they come looking for you.
Is it cuz I is black?
Keyser Soze Wrote:thats an expression someone of a geriatric disposition would make, how appropriate.
i get it! cause i am old, right? ha ha!
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