Full Version: enjoyable ride home
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Pages: 1 2
If somebody else wrote that, you'd mock them.
Arpikarhu Wrote:is that like a spelling bee?
is that supposed to be funny? what a fucking lame line! you suck!
coincidentally, a black guy wearing a yankee's jersey started talking to me on the subway the other day. I couldn't hear anything he was saying cause of the noise and just nodded the whole time.
black guy: "Yo, I'm about to rape a white woman, wanna come?
me: (nodding) "Uh huh uh huh sure"
What's your beef with white women?
I should ask you the same question
I don't like being followed across state lines.
good answer
Black Lazerus Wrote:Was he wearing a FDNY hat?
that gave me a good laugh
Pages: 1 2